On Wednesday January 17, 2018, eleven members of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association (DHHBA) will be sworn in and admitted to the Bar of the United States Supreme Court. All members are deaf or hard of hearing attorneys. The participants are: Melissa Kubit Angelides, Assistant Director of
Author: deafbar
DHHBA President Anat Maytal organized at her law firm, Baker & Hostetler LLP, a panel discussion to be held at the New York Yankees Steakhouse in NYC on February 2nd titled “Removing Barriers to Work: A Panel Discussion on Employing Individuals with Disabilities in Your Workplace.” The distinguished panel members — including
By Reema Radwan, Esq. On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, a select group of twelve deaf and hard of hearing attorneys were sworn into the United States Supreme Court bar by Chief Justice John Roberts. In a historic and thoughtful gesture receiving much press coverage, Chief Justice Roberts used American Sign
On Tuesday April 19, 2016, thirteen members of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association (DHHBA) will be sworn in and admitted to the Bar of the United States Supreme Court. All members are deaf or hard of hearing attorneys. This occasion will mark the first time the DHHBA
Haben Girma, a deaf and blind attorney and Harvard Law School graduate, was the subject of an article by Above the Law in which she discusses how technology has enabled her to practice law. Click here to read the full article.
DHHBA is holding elections for the board positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer, National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Liaison, Alexander Graham Bell Association (AG Bell) Liaison, and Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Liaison. Each DHHBA member will receive an e-mail with an unique URL to take them to their online ballot to vote in the
Jared Allebest, attorney and DHHBA member, was recently featured in Utah’s Desert News. According to the article, Mr. Allebest is “profoundly deaf without hearing aids. The 33-year-old BYU grad and former Mormon missionary took a circuitous route to complete his education, and two years ago he opened a private practice in